
教練領(lǐng)跑品牌,擁有教練實(shí)體中心的專業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu),提供國(guó)際最前沿教練與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力人才培養(yǎng)服務(wù), 提供ICF(國(guó)際教練聯(lián)合會(huì))的ACTP 級(jí)課程, U Lab戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴,引領(lǐng)U型理論在企業(yè)中的應(yīng)用。


Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Make Better Decisions, Strengthen Relationships and Inspire Your Teams

Leaders who know both when and how to connect, care for, encourage and invigorate individuals and teams will not only see profitable growth, they will gain a long-lasting competitive advantage through the rise in creativity and innovation. This program heightens awareness leaders have of the impact they have on others. It also teaches them how to choose words, actions and emotions to directly and profoundly inspire others to excel.

Program Objectives

Becoming emotionally “self-alert” .

Releasing thoughts and feelings so you can align with others .

Establishing rapport and building trust to enhance coaching, negotiations, influence and change management .

Shift the emotional tone in a conversation from negative to positive .

Determine what it takes to move people out of being stuck in their emotions. 

Help people accept, claim ownership and resolve their most difficult problems through deep listening, reflecting and asking breakthrough questions .

Aligning teams through shared identity and purpose .

Setting up team agreements to keep the emotions positive and productive .

Create a solid life foundation to be emotionally intelligent every day .


Course Overview 

"Feelings" have been the unspoken word. Yet if left unchecked, fear, anger, disappointment, frustration and apathy poison results, regardless of how bright and talented people are. Learning how to identify the source of emotions and how to shift people at an emotional level is a critical factor in the success, or failure, of leaders.


Do you have a star performer who is disrupting the team or a low performer who needs motivation? Do you need to help people embrace change more quickly? When you understand what is triggering their emotions and behavior, your conversations and results will get you better results.


This workshop was designed to give leaders, managers, and corporate coaches insights into their own behavior as well as provide a language and set of tools to help them when in conversation with others. Results include increasing satisfaction with work, improving relationships, decreasing upset from conflicts and disappointments, and finding solutions to difficult problems that have caused anger, stress, and frustration. 


The program starts with self-awareness and emotional management because it is difficult to be emotionally intelligent with others if you are not the master of your own emotions. You need to have a clear mind to hear the language of emotions in others and then to determine how to help them break through their blocks to success.


The final day includes leading emotionally intelligent teams. It starts with how to lay the foundation for a team to work well together. Then the participants will learn how to apply their emotional intelligence when working with teams. 


The course ends with tips on sustaining emotional intelligence even when work and life is constantly changing.


Methods Used

The workshop is highly interactive, giving participants a chance to practice the new skills and to discuss how to integrate the skills into their leadership and coaching. Techniques used include self-awareness exercises, exercises to increase influence in both one-on-one and team situations, and games to increase awareness, intuition, influence, and successful interpersonal interactions.

“This was our best training session ever. Marcia's delivery, combined with humor, realism and group exercises kept everyone focused and enthusiastic about what they were learning, no matter how comfortable they were with the word 'emotion.' ”

--LaVerne Stringfield, U.S. National Institute of Health.


“I would like to thank you for helping me with a very difficult, and delicate situation... Several weeks ago, I attended one of your training sessions...I put your advice to work and almost immediately ‘fixed’ the problem. We now have an excellent working relationship.” Sergeant Schultz, Apache Junction Police Department.

"Marcia has a large following in the company, and I consistently hear testimonials of the changes, individually and in work groups, that are made as a result of the classroom experience with her."
--John Bonar, Medtronic Microelectronics

The 3-day program outline includes:

I.   Being Emotionally Self-Alert

  • Understand  the emotional brain and its effects on behavior.

  • Identify how emotional states show up in your body.

  • Discover your primary emotional triggers and options for action.

II.    Developing Awareness of Emotional Sources in Others

  • Learn how to build trust and rapport.

  • Understand and use the three levels of listening.

  • Develop leadership presence to increase your impact.


III.   Coaching for Breakthrough

  • Adapt the GROW model to use in difficult conversations.

  • Listen for what is triggering emotional blocks and find opportunities for growth.

  • Practice  breakthrough conversation techniques.


IV.   Influencing Change

  • Identify  the three factors needed to sustain change when coaching.

  • Uncover what the person really needs to move forward.

  • Shift the emotions of others from negative to positive.


V. Leading Emotionally Intelligent Teams

  • Align teams by shared identity and purpose.

  • Set up team agreements to keep the emotions positive and productive.

   ·    Leading teams to be true to their agreements and achieve extraordinary results.

VI.   Self-management

  • Practice energy management.

  • Be mindful of your inlook and outlook.

  • Use personal visioning to ensure the changes you want to make “stick”.

ABOUT DR. Marcia Reynolds, MCC

Doctor of Organizational Psychology

International Federation of Coaches 5th President


Dr. Marcia Reynolds works with corporate clients around the world who seek to develop successful leaders. She understands organizational cultures, what blocks communication and innovation, and what is needed to bring people together for better results. She is often asked to speak and teach on her specific expertise is coaching skills for managers and emotional intelligence.

 Marcia designed the programs for a semiconductor corporation facing bankruptcy.

Working with the senior staff, she designed and implemented the organizational change program that helped thecompany become the top performing IPO in the US in 1993.


She has published three books, Outsmart Your Brain 、The Discomfort Zone and  Wander Woman. Excerpts from her books have appeared in many placesincluding Harvard Management Update, U.S. Business Review, Forbes.com, CNN.com, and The New York Timesand she has appeared on ABC World News and Japan Nightly News.

Course Information


Time: July 15-17, 2017(Beijing China)

          July 20-22, 2017(Shanghai China)

 Cost: 15,800 yuan / person


Time: October 19-21, 2017 (Shanghai China)

Cost: 15,800 yuan / person

Contact person

Shanghai China:

Yemie Xu:13916084192  meiling.xu@cccoach.cn

Cindy Song:17317324736  lq.song@cccoach.cn

Beijing China

Karen Wu13901088667 karen.wu@cccoach.cn

Leah Zheng15901290226  leah.zheng@cccoach.cn